Our Senior Management at Templant Group determine this Health and Safety Policy, which states overall Health and Safety Objectives and ensures that the documentation is appropriate to the nature, scale of our Occupational Health & Safety risks and will be reviewed regularly to ensure its continued suitably.
We realise that this policy cannot be successful without the active participation of all statements, thus will be observed by all staff members at all times. It is communicated to employees at all levels within the organisation, and realized throughout the procedures and statements in this manual.
It is our policy to ensure a commitment to comply with current legislation and any other requirements we may subscribe too, including a commitment to continual improvement. It is the policy of Templant Group to ensure, as far as is reasonably practable, the Health, Safety and Welfare of all its employees and any other persons who may be affected by its acts or omissions.
Templant Group will therefore conduct its activities in order:
- To provide adequate control of the Health and Safety risks arising from our work activities, placing health, safety and welfare in the highest category of management responsibility.
- To provide and maintain a safe place of work for all it’s employees and other persons on the company premises.
- To provide suitable and adequate information, instruction, supervision and training, ensuring all employees are competent to do their tasks.
- To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety and to encourage all employees to involve themselves with our philosophy regarding Health and Safety.
- To provide adequate the effective control, monitoring systems and review of the measures arranged for the policy and procedures adopted by the company.
- To provide safe systems of working.
This policy is supported by instructions, Procedures and Organisational arrangements and is applied to all activities undertaken by Templant Group.
This policy will be kept up to date, particularly as the business changes in size and nature, and reviewed every year.